Current scrap prices for 1 kilo of scrap
You can find the current kilogram prices for metal and electronic scrap in a table on our website. We also provide you with valuable market data from the scrap industry, as well as numerous tips for selling scrap.
Table of current scrap prices on February 18, 2025
Art | Average price per kilo in euros |
aluminum | 1.00 euros/kg* |
Lead | 1.50 euros/kg* |
stainless steel | 1.60 euros/kg* |
iron and Steel | 0.20 euros/kg* |
Electronic waste (mixed) | 0.08 euros/kg* |
hard metal | 13.00 euros/kg* |
copper | 6.50 euros/kg* |
Brass | 4.05 euros/kg* |
zinc | 1.71 euros/kg* |
tin | 13.00 euros/kg* |
Gunmetal | 6.30 euros/kg* |
* Prices depend on quantity and location. There is a possibility that larger quantities can potentially achieve higher prices.
What influences the current scrap prices?
Scrap prices must be recalculated daily as they are naturally subject to strong fluctuations. It is not just the relationship between supply and demand on the global market that plays an important role. Political decisions, crises and cartels also impact current scrap prices.
Due to globalization, the scrap trade now spans the entire world. This means that a natural disaster on the other side of the globe can have a fatal impact on domestic metal production.
The large metal exchanges such as the offer important guidance for determining current scrap prices London Metal Exchange or the COMEX on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
Local scrap dealers use the stock exchange prices of metals and alloys as a template for their own price calculations. Since every buyer of scrap has different costs, scrap prices differ between individual dealers.
Therefore, you should always compare scrap prices before selling your scrap.
Which types of scrap are worth it?
Selling is particularly lucrative Electronic waste, as many old devices contain high-quality precious metals and rare earths.
Higher quality tin scrap is also one of the leaders in the scrap metal industry. The current Tin prices are over 10 euros per kilo. Valuable tin scrap often lies in attics or basements, just waiting to be turned into money.
Also worn out hard metal is very valuable. For old milling cutters, drills or indexable inserts, the current price per kilo is hard metal at over 15 euros.
It also pays well Copper scrap. The higher the purity of the copper being sold, the higher it will be Copper price. A special form of copper scrap is cable scrap. With this type of scrap, the copper content also plays a central role in determining the scrap price.
Brass alloys are in the middle range of scrap prices. Depending on the nature of the material and the quantity sold, collecting brass can be worthwhile. Because from 500 kilos you can achieve a good one Brass price.
zinc brings less revenue than brass, but since larger quantities of zinc are often collected in trade, industry or when demolishing buildings, selling zinc can be worthwhile. Since the Zinc prices fluctuate significantly, you should wait until a good time to sell arises.
Iron and steel scrap However, it is only worthwhile if you sell larger quantities, because the kilo prices for steel are currently in the cent range.
Also for Lead you only get a few cents per kilo. Despite the low Lead prices For the sake of the environment alone, lead should be handed over to the scrap dealer and thus returned to the recycling cycle.
Scrap price development from 2013 to 2023
Tips on how to sell your scrap at the best prices
1. Scrap dealers usually offer better prices for larger quantities of scrap. Therefore, you should wait until a large amount of scrap has accumulated if you have the storage capacity.
2. Sort the scrap before going to the scrap buyer. Because pure scrap brings more money than mixed scrap. You should also remove dirt and buildup.
3. Since scrap prices fluctuate greatly, you should sell at a time when scrap prices are particularly high. If you observe the scrap market for a while, you will get a feel for the price development.
4. Always compare the purchase prices from online dealers with the prices of local scrap dealers. Sometimes you are surprised that you get a better price around the corner than from the online giant.
5. Many valuable metals can be found at household clearances or at flea markets. People are often happy when someone picks up “the old junk” for free. You may be lucky that so few people are familiar with the achievable scrap prices.
6. If you want to collect scrap on a larger scale, you should find out in advance from the local trade office what permits are required. If you collect scrap commercially on the street or from friends without registering, this can lead to significant fines.
You need to be particularly careful when collecting electronic waste. Due to the composition of electronic waste, you need very special certificates.
Since scrap wholesalers have to prove the origin of the scrap, even as a small scrap collector you cannot avoid registering your business.